288532 Overcoming Electro Dialysis Reversal Commercialization Challenges in Tough-to-Treat Waters

Thursday, November 1, 2012: 3:59 PM
402 (Convention Center )
Jamie Vinsant, GE Water, Boston, MA

As global water scarcity impacts customer throughout the world, customers are using Electro dialysis Reversal (EDR) technology to treat non-traditional waters, particularly in applications that are considered “Tough-To-Treat” in comparison to cleaner, more traditional sources of fresh water.  Comparison of EDR in side-by-side pilots with other available technologies has shown potential advantages in treatment of wastewater due to the membranes resistance to residual chlorine and tolerance of higher suspended solids.  Both qualities greatly improve the robustness of the treatment system while lowering the overall cost to treat due to lower energy consumption and less pretreatment. 

This paper will summarize the data and operational experience from several EDR applications that have moved from technology development to field pilot and to a commercial system.  We will connect both successes and ongoing challenges as a way to highlight areas that need ongoing technology investment and piloting.  These case studies will provide operating examples where EDR can be more robust than other treatment options and provide a platform to achieve higher water recoveries on various types of wastewater at lower cost.

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