288398 Technology Forcing with Clean Air Act Best Available Control Technology
288398 Technology Forcing with Clean Air Act Best Available Control Technology
Wednesday, October 31, 2012: 3:15 PM
409 (Convention Center )
The Clean Air Act's Prevention of Significant Deterioration program (CAA PSD) was enacted to ensure that ambient air quality continues to meet ambient air quality standards through applicable of the Best Available Control Technology (BACT) to new major stationary sources of air pollutant emissions, or major modifications of a major stationary source. With the CAA authority being extended to greenhouse gas emissions as a result of the 2007 case Massachusetts v. EPA, and following EPA CAA greenhouse gas rulemakings, BACT as applied through PSD to major stationary sources of greenhouse gas emissions will result in driving technology and research toward methods to achieve greenhouse gas emission reductions. This presentation will discuss the existing PSD BACT program and how it has been applied recently to major stationary sources of greenhouse gas emissions.
See more of this Session: Current Law and Policy Driving Chemical Engineering Research
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