281150 Development and Demonstration of A Prototype Microfluidic-Based Robotic Sampling System

Thursday, November 1, 2012: 3:55 PM
305 (Convention Center )
Jack D. Law1, John Svoboda1, Julia L. Tripp1, Veronica Rutledge1 and Troy G. Garn2, (1)Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID, (2)Aqueous Separation and Radiochemistry, Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID

A state-of-the-art microfluidic-based robotic sampling system has been designed, a prototype manufactured and testing performed. This sampling system uses microfluidic sample chips and will allow for near real time analysis of samples in-cell to support used nuclear fuel processing or nuclear waste treatment.  The automated robotic system picks up the sample chip, transports it to the sample chamber, takes the sample, transports the chip to a manifold for injection of the microsamples into a UV Visible spectrophotometer, removes the sample chip and disposes of the sample chip. In addition to providing near real time analysis of samples, this will reduce waste volumes generated significantly as compared to traditional sampling methods which typically require several milliliter sample volumes and large dilutions to transport the samples out of cell for analysis. Additionally, the system will reduce personnel exposure and could provide a convenient method for sample archival.  The prototype robotic sampling system will be described and results of integrated testing of the system will be presented.

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