278164 Silicon-Based Nanocomposites As Novel Illuminants (INVITED)
278164 Silicon-Based Nanocomposites As Novel Illuminants (INVITED)
Thursday, November 1, 2012: 4:05 PM
Frick (Omni )
Nanoscale and nanostructured energetic materials are enabling technologies for a wide variety of defense applications. Many current and future requirements cannot be achieved by using more conventional materials only as they fall short in terms of performance, strength, sensitivity, or for environmental reasons. By exploiting the “tunable” nature of nanocomposites, one can adjust the energy output, light output, strength of materials, and sensitivity to various stimuli. This is accomplished via altering the constituents, particle or grain size, surface area and surface characteristics of the material.
Porous silicon is a nanostructured material being explored as a novel fuel to replace a variety of materials in illuminant and other energetic applications. A matrix of mixes was generated in which the standard fuel and oxidizers were replaced by silicon and more novel oxidizers. The materials were then characterized based on light output and color, burn time, and ignition temperature. Results will be discussed.
See more of this Session: Nanoenergetic Materials III
See more of this Group/Topical: Particle Technology Forum
See more of this Group/Topical: Particle Technology Forum