277230 Solvent-Enhanced Biotransformations of Chemicals by Beauveria Bassiana As Biocatalyst

Monday, October 29, 2012: 9:42 AM
Westmoreland Central (Westin )
Richard González, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA and Tonya L. Peeples, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA

This research evaluates the oxidative capacity of n-alkane-induced fungal Beauveria bassiana; a versatile whole cell biocatalyst used in the biotransformation of steroids, and in the production of valuable organic compounds. n-alkane solvents like dodecane, and hexadecane serve as carbon sources during growth of B. bassiana, inducing the expression of oxidative enzymes, and affecting the growth rate. n-Piperidinylacetophenone is a classic substrate used for the hydroxylation of an unfunctionalized carbon; an attractive reaction that results in  valuable intermediates for specialty chemical synthesis.  As well, steroid 7-alpha-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one (NS) is hydrolylated to 7-alpha-12 alpha-dihydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one, to provide metabolites of interest for medical purposes. Our research targets the hydroxylated products of these chemicals. Reactions with n-alkane adapted strains (ATCC 90517, ATCC 90518, ATCC 7159) on a resting cell environment; were grown in media containing different nitrogen sources  (Corn Step Liquor, Soybean flour, peptone, and ammonium nitrate). 1H-NMR, and HPLC were used to characterize, and isolate the biotransformation products. Results include biotransformation selectivity, reaction yield, n-alkane effect analysis in biocatalyst performance, and correlations between biomass and reaction yields.

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