271571 Control of Adsorption Kinetics of O2, NH3, CO, CO2, and CH4 on PFA-derived Carbons
Exceptional Adsorption Properties of functionalized PFA-derived Carbons for Environmental Applications
Ali Qajar, Maryam Peer, Ramakrishnan Rajagopalan, Henry C. Foley
PFA-derived carbons are synthesized and activated under controlled conditions. The samples are functionalized with concentrated nitric acid under reflux condition to different extends. Surface and structural properties of the samples are characterized by collecting IR spectra, TGA and gas adsorption. Also the samples are compared to commercial activated and functionalized carbons. Our study shows exceptional adsorption properties of PFA-derived carbons for carbon dioxide and ammonia adsorption. Also, functionalization process drastically changes adsorption affinity of the carbons for the adsorption of super-critical gases resulting in higher selectivity for oxygen adsorption over other gases. While, functionalization of the pristine PFA-derived carbon limits pore accessibility resulting in less gas uptake, for the activated PFA-derived carbon the same process promotes adsorption uptakes and dynamics. Ammonia adsorption on the functionalized activated PFA-derived carbon, hits the best reported adsorption uptakes by COF-10 at ~16 mmol/g at 298 K and 1 bar.
See more of this Group/Topical: Environmental Division