265217 Electrode and Cell Design Principles in Batteries and Fuel Cells

Thursday, November 1, 2012: 4:15 PM
410 (Convention Center )
Trung V. Nguyen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS

In a battery or fuel cell, the electrodes and other components in the cell must be carefully selected and designed to address the electrode potentials, reactions, and transport (electronic, ionic, molecular) processes, especially the limiting ones, of the system to meet the performance (discharge and charge rate and cycle life), shelf-life or storage life, and safety requirements. While high active surface area is needed for high power, its effect on the self-discharge rate and corrosion should also be considered. In addition to the active materials that participate in the electrochemical reactions, the role of the supporting materials such as the current collectors, catalyst supports, electrolytes, and binders, both conductive and non-conductive, must also be considered because they can have a significant effect on the performance and/or shelf-life of the system. This presentation will discuss the materials selection and components and cell design requirements for a few battery and fuel cell systems.

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