264900 Application of a Kinetics Model to Simulate Biomass Gasification Using Oxygen and Steam
Application of a Kinetics Model to Simulate Biomass Gasification Using Oxygen and Steam
Sudhanya Banerjee1, Jordan Tiarks1, Song-Charng Kong1, Terry Meyer1 , Robert C. Brown1 and Brian Anderson2
1Mechanical Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, IA
2Chemical Engineering, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV
Abstract: The use of biomass as an energy source has been studied extensively in recent years and special attention is paid to biomass gasification. Chemical kinetics in the gasifier plays a pivotal role in determining the product gas composition. In this study, a model based on ASPEN Plus is set up to simulate the biomass gasification process, and a set of kinetics reactions is chosen to predict the syngas composition. Simulations are carried out for conditions of 21%, 30%, 40% and 50% oxygen levels in the gasifying agent on wet basis. Different types of biomass feedstock are used for the study, including various woody biomass and corn stover. Due to the differences in feedstock composition and operating conditions, the syngas composition varies and the model is able to predict these variations. The simulations results agree well with experimental data which show increases in hydrogen and carbon monoxide as the oxygen level increases in the gasifying agent.
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