262441 Influence of the Inlet Vane Geometry On the Uniflow Cyclones Performance
M. Kraxner1, U. Muschelknautz1, S. Wechner1, S. Ackermann2, V. Greif2, J. Bolda2
1MCI – The Entrepreneurial School, Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering, Maximilianstraße 2, A-6020 Innsbruck, AUSTRIA
2MANN+HUMMEL GmbH, Brunckstraße 15, D-67346 Speyer, GERMANY
Uniflow cyclones used for the separation of particles from gases are characterized, compared to standard reverse flow cyclones, by its compactness and its low energy consumption. The compact construction gives plant operators the possibility of easy implementation in piping systems. Therefore emissions of fine dust can be reduced by a low fabrication effort. Uniflow cyclones can be used as an ownstanding or as an upstream dedusting device. The usage as an upstream deduster can boost the lifetime of downstream fabric filters by a multiple. Multicyclones consisting of many parallel arranged uniflow cyclones achieve high separation efficiencies due to the small design size of one single cyclone cell. They are used for highly efficient dedusting procedures on constricted space.
The inlet vanes guide the gas-particle flow into a rotating vortex. The strength of this vortex is determined by the mean vane angle am of the inlet vanes. The vane angle is designed to achieve sufficient centrifugal forces on the particles and therefore sufficient separation efficiency. The standard shape of the inlet vanes is a spiral along the core. Experiments show that for a given vane angle angle am the separation efficiency as well as the pressure drop can be improved significantly by modifying the vane shape and the vane length. Experiments show that the application of this improvement in upstream uniflow cyclones leads to a strong increase of the downstream filter life time.
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