258521 Biopreservation: From Single Cells to Organs

Sunday, October 28, 2012
Hall B (Convention Center )
O. Berk Usta, Surgery Research, Massachusetts General Hospital / Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

I have a strong background on theoretical and computational modeling of complex and multiphase flows, and elastic solids using mesoscopic approaches such as lattice-Boltzmann and lattice-spring methodologies. I have worked with the pioneers in this field and have investigated questions of both fundamental and biological relevance ranging from colloidal self diffusion, polymer migration in microchannels, separation of microcapsules, viscoelastic droplet deformation to self propulsion and communication of microcapsules. During the lastt few years I have added an experimental component to my research toolbox working at the Center for Engineering in Medicine with Dr. Martin L. Yarmush and Dr. Mehmet Toner. We are currently investigating several questions in the broad field of biopreservation, highthroughput single cell analysis, microfluidic separations and drug delivery in efforts to solve problems related to liver and burn injuries.

During this session I will primarily  discuss biopreservation schemes such as cryopreservation and supercooling to preserve liver, its cells and tissues where our groups has made great strides recently. I will also introduce the use of microfabricated  microwell arrays  in the quest to understand the effect of cell heterogeneity on successful preservation; this platform combined with powerful statistical analysis is a potent tool for describing many hidden relations when one looks only at average population responses.

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