257054 In Situ Investigation of Vanadium Ions Transport in Redox Flow Battery

Thursday, November 1, 2012: 3:55 PM
336 (Convention Center )
Qingtao Luo1, Liyu Li2, Zimin Nie3, Wei Wang1, Xiaoliang Wei1, Feng Chen1, Bin Li4, Guanguang Xia1, Baowei Chen5, Gary Yang1 and Sprenkle Vincent1, (1)Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, (2)Hydrocarbon Processing Group, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, (3)Pacific Northwest National Labratory, Richland, WA, (4)Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland , WA, (5)Biological Sciences, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA

The all-vanadium redox flow battery (VRB) is probably the most promising and extensively researched flow battery system. In order to shed light on the VRB capacity fading mechanism, it is necessary to investigate the transport behaviors of vanadium ions across the membrane. In this work, flow batteries with vanadium and iron redox couples as the electroactive species were employed to investigate the transport behavior of vanadium ions in the presence of an electric field. It was shown that the transport of vanadium ions was affected by a combination of different factors, such as the charge/discharge process, current density, and SOC. The electric field accelerated the positive-to-negative and reduced the negative-to-positive transport of vanadium ions in the charging process and affected the vanadium ion transport in the opposite way during discharge. With the increase of current density, the vanadium ion transport rate increases during the charge process but decreases during discharge. At each given current density, the vanadium ion transport rate, in general, demonstrated a trend of decreasing with the increase of SOC.

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