Call for Proposals to Present
2012 Annual Meeting
The deadlines to enter new abstracts and to edit existing abstracts have been reached.
The Executive Board of the Program Committee has set a rule limiting any individual to presenting no more than three oral presentations (excluding invited talks and non-presenting co-authorship, and excluding poster presentations).
Group/Topical Selection for New Submissions
- Click the button for of the Group/Topical you wish to submit to.
- Note: A Group/Topical Title will only have a "Begin a Submission" button if it is currently accepting new submissions.
- Note: Once you click the button for a Group/Topical, you will immediately enter the online submission process. You will first be prompted to Select a Topic (ie Session), then you will enter the Title information, then the Authors and finally the Abstract Text.
To submit a Proposal to Present, please:
- Compose a brief abstract of the proposal in your word processor, checking spelling and word count. The abstract may not exceed 1500 words.
- Within the submission process, be sure to include the email address of each co-author (if more than one author).
- You may use the link to the right to 'View the Preliminary Program' before choosing the most appropriate Group or Topical Conference for your abstract.
- Remember, when submitted, your abstract will be viewable to session chairs, other presenters, and the public.
Once you are ready to begin a new submission,
click the button below for the Group/Topical to which you wish to submit:
Begin a submission to the following: