How to Get Your Research Published: What Editors Are Looking for

Tuesday, October 18, 2011: 3:15 PM
206 A/B (Minneapolis Convention Center)

Overview: Join a panel of distinguished journal editors for a one and one-half hour discussion on what they look for when selecting material for publication, both in broad-based and in specialty titles. This session is brought to you by AIChE's Career Services Department, the Publication Committee, and the Career & Education Operating Council. What You Will Learn: What is the best format for your results: research article or R&D note? What about letters to the editor and book reviews? When are you ready to author a detailed review article or perspective-type overview? What file formats are preferred for text and for tables? When should you use supplementary material? What is "accepted article" publication? How do you effectively work with co-authors? What are the ethical guidelines for authors, reviewers and editors? Who Should Attend: Young faculty, graduate students and post-docs.

Liaison Functions

Jeff Wood

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