Heavy Oil and Flow Assurance II

Thursday, October 20, 2011: 12:30 PM
200 G (Minneapolis Convention Center)

This session will address fundamental characterization of oils and their bulk and thermodynamic properties including rheological properties. We will also consider contributions about thermodynamic, flow and integrated models, and papers addressing oil compatibility issues.

Transport and Energy Processes

Milind Deo
Email: mddeo@eng.utah.edu

J. J. Magda
Email: jj.magda@m.cc.utah.edu

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

File available
12:30 PM
(694a) Size and Structure of Asphaltene Aggregates in the Bubble Pressure Region
Jesús Leonardo Amundaraín Hurtado, Martin Chodakowski, Bingwen Long and John M. Shaw

12:55 PM
(694c) Destabilization and Aggregation Kinetics of Asphaltenes
Nasim Haji Akbari Balou and H. Scott Fogler

File available
1:20 PM
(694d) Thermal Response During Rheological Transitions In Cyclopentane Hydrate-Forming Emulsions
Genti Zylyftari, Prasad U Karanjkar, Jae W Lee and Jeffrey F Morris

1:45 PM
(694e) Modeling of Reservoir Connectivity and Tar-Mat Using Gravity-Induced Asphaltene Compositional Grading
Sai R. Panuganti, Francisco M. Vargas, Anjushri S. Kurup and Walter G. Chapman

See more of this Group/Topical: Energy and Transport Processes