Oxycombustion of Coal and Other Fuels II

Monday, October 17, 2011: 12:30 PM
200 G (Minneapolis Convention Center)

Oxycombustion (OC) of coal refers to using oxygen-enriched air as the oxidant. This session will explore the science and engineering opportunities to deploy OC technology. Contributions are invited in the following: 1. recent results on OC of coal and other solid fuels; 2. burner redesign and retrofit options for OC; 3. ignition, devolatilization, and pollutant formation mechanisms during OC; 4. kinetic and CFD modeling of OC processes; 5. engineering options for retrofiiting and, 6. new OC boiler design.

Transport and Energy Processes

Eric G. Eddings
Email: eric.eddings@utah.edu

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

File available
12:30 PM

File available
12:55 PM
(113b) Line of Sight Soot Measurements In Staged and Unstaged Air and Oxy-Coal Flames
Dale R. Tree, Curtis K Stimpson, Andrew Fry, William J. Morris and Jost O. L. Wendt

1:20 PM

1:45 PM

See more of this Group/Topical: Energy and Transport Processes