In Silico Systems Biology: Cellular and Organismal Models II

Wednesday, October 19, 2011: 3:15 PM
Conrad C (Hilton Minneapolis)

A critical component of systems biology is the development of in silico approaches to understand systems of interest. Novel uses of in silico methods to understand biological systems, as well as the development of new technologies and algorithms for in silico systems analysis are examined.

Topical A: Systems Biology

Matthew J. Lazzara

Clifford L. Wang

3:35 PM
(590b) A Novel FBA Strategy for Metabolic Modeling of Cyanobacteria
Tirthankar Sengupta, Mani Bhushan and Pramod P. Wangikar

3:55 PM
(590c) Constraint-Based Modeling of Cyanobacterial Metabolism
Trang T. Vu, Sergey M. Stolyar, Grigoriy E. Pinchuk, Allan E. Konopka, Alex S. Beliaev and Jennifer L. Reed

4:35 PM

5:05 PM
(590f) Contrasting the Metabolic Capabilities of Multiple Cyanobacterial Species
Rajib Saha, Bertram M. Berla, Thanura Elvitigala, Lawrence E Page, Himadri B Pakrasi and Costas D. Maranas

See more of this Group/Topical: Topical A: Systems Biology