Thermodynamic and Transport Properties Under Pressure

Tuesday, October 18, 2011: 3:15 PM
101 G (Minneapolis Convention Center)

Thermodynamic and Transport Properties Under Pressure

High Pressure
Thermodynamics and Transport Properties (01a)

Christopher L. Kitchens

Ganesh Sanganwar

3:15 PM

3:35 PM
(414b) Volume Translated SRK and PR Equations of State for the Prediction of High-Temperature, High-Pressure Hydrocarbon Density
Hseen Baled, Robert M. Enick, Mark . A McHugh, Yue Wu, Babatunde Bamgbade, Deepak Tapriyal, Bryan D. Morreale, Yee Soong and Ward A. Burgess

3:55 PM

4:15 PM
(414d) PC-SAFT with New Pure-Component Parameters Fit to Density Data Collected At Temperatures to 260°C and Pressures to 276 Mpa
Ward A. Burgess, Deepak Tapriyal, Bryan D. Morreale, Yue Wu, Babatunde Bamgbade, Mark . A McHugh, Hseen Baled and Robert M. Enick

4:35 PM
(414e) Thermal Expansivity of Gas Hydrate Cavity
Shaunak Potdar, Sangyong Lee and Jae W. Lee

4:55 PM
(414f) Using a High Temperature, High Pressure Couette Viscometer to Assess Krytox® Oils As a Deepwater Viscosity Standard
Deepak Tapriyal, Ward A. Burgess, Arno Laesecke, Scott Bair, Val Krukonis, Yue Wu, Babatunde Bamgbade, Mark McHugh, Robert Enick and Bryan Morreale
See more of this Group/Topical: Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals