Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Concerns of Nanomaterials

Tuesday, October 18, 2011: 8:30 AM
212 A (Minneapolis Convention Center)

The rapidly advancing field of nanotechnology offers potential benefits to almost all industries and products and some studies show over 1,000 consumer products already utilize nanomaterials. This increased (and increasing) use has generated world-wide attention from regulators and the general public that want to ensure exposure to these materials does not result in risk to human health or the environment. This session will explore the current state of knowledge pertainging to environmental health and safety concerns surrounding nanomaterials.

Topical C: Environmental Aspects, Applications, and Implications of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
Nanoscale Science and Engineering Forum (22), Chemical Engineering & the Law Forum (24), Environmental Division (09), Legislation and Regulation (09E)

Kurt Rindfusz
Email: kurt.rindfusz@erg.com

Thomas Mensah
Email: gaaerosp55@aol.com

8:55 AM
(217b) A Novel Technique for In-Vivo Toxicological Characterization of Engineered Nanomaterials
Georgios A. Sotiriou, Edgar Diaz, Mark Long, John Godleski, Joseph Brain, Sotiris E. Pratsinis and Philip Demokritou

9:20 AM
(217c) Evaluation of the Toxicity of Nanomaterials Based On Knowledge Extraction From High Throughput Screening of Biological Toxicity Data
Rong Liu, Saji George, Bryan France, Robert Damoiseaux, Robert Rallo, Kenneth Bradley, Andre E. Nel and Yoram Cohen

9:45 AM
(217d) Human Blood Biocompatibility of Silver Nanoparticles
Jonghoon Choi, Vytas Reipa, Victoria M. Hitchins, Peter L. Goering and Richard A. Malinauskas

10:35 AM