Advanced On-Line Analytical and Optimization Tools In Pilot Plants

Wednesday, October 19, 2011: 12:30 PM
M100 J (Minneapolis Convention Center)

This session is interested in the application of on-line analytical technology used in studying reaction kinetics, heat transfer and crystallization in the scale up chemical proceses including energetic materials, specialty chemicals and polymers. The analytical equipment selected to collect kinetics and heat transfer data in pilot plants are critical in the scale-up of new technologies. Particle size and shape control are often important properties for the application of energetic materials. Gas chromatographs, atomic spectroscopy, and mass spectrometry are also examples of advance instruments used in pilot plants. With the development of more sophisticated methods to determine these critical properties with greater accuracy scale-up safety is greatly improved.

Pilot Plants (12b)

David C. Attride

Jerry S. Salan

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

12:30 PM

12:55 PM
(490b) Automated Pilot Plant System Producing 3,3-Diamino-4,4-Azoxyfurazan
Kimberly Hanson, Jerry S. Salan, Andrew G. Pearsall, Matt Jorgensen, Patrick B. Skahan and Tod F. Ricks

1:20 PM

1:45 PM
(490d) Using Process Analytical Technology (PAT) Tools to Support Flow Chemistry Development and Production
Yanqiao Xiang, John Lucas, John G. Van Alsten, Bryan Li and Nandell F. Keene

See more of this Group/Topical: Particle Technology Forum