Feedstock, Supply Chain, and Logistics of Forest Biorefineries

Monday, October 17, 2011: 12:30 PM
210 A/B (Minneapolis Convention Center)

This session is expected to address a number of issues in the feedstock, supply chain and logistics of biorefineries from forest lignocellulosic materials. The papers will address issues such as sustainable sourcing, distribution of resources, logistical challenges in procurement of feedstock as well as in delivery to markets.

International Congress on Energy: Biorefinery Technologies for Forest Based Lignocellulosic Biomass
Sustainability (09g), Sustainable Biorefineries (23B), Sustainable Energy (23C), Sustainable Engineering Forum (23), Forest and Plant Bioproducts Division (17), Topical B: 1st Annual World Congress on Sustainable Engineering (TB)

Jeff Lindsay
Email: jeff_lindsay@app.com.cn

J.Y. Zhu
Email: jzhu@fs.fed.us

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

12:50 PM
(90b) Determining and Addressing Feedstock Variability for Thermochemical Biomass Conversion
Jessica L. Olstad, Kim Magrini, Richard Boardman and Garold L. Gresham

1:10 PM
(90c) Variability of Switchgrass, a Dedicated Bioenergy Crop
Paul B. Filson, Nicole Labbé, Samuel W. Jackson, Elena Doukhanina, Parthiban Radhakrishnan and Joon-Hyun Park

1:50 PM
(90e) Pellets From Pretreated Biomass
M. Toufiq Reza, Charles J Coronella, Joan G Lynam and Victor R. Vasquez

See more of this Group/Topical: International Congress on Energy 2011