Synthetic Systems Biology

Monday, October 17, 2011: 12:30 PM
Conrad C (Hilton Minneapolis)

Systems biology is the study of whole biological ensembles, rather than isolated parts, in order to build a predictive biological understanding of a defined system’s behavior. Synthetic biology has been defined as the design and construction of systems that exhibit complex dynamical or logical behavior. The intersection between these two fields is likely to significantly enhance efforts in design-based biological engineering and therefore greatly increase human capability. This session will cover current applications of systems biology theory and techniques to aid in the design of synthetic biological systems. In addition, efforts that apply synthetic biology research as new tools to expand systems-level understanding or as new concepts in systems biology are of interest.

Topical A: Systems Biology

Michael C. Jewett

Lingchong You

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

12:50 PM
(126b) Construction of a Synthetic Promoter Library Employing Well-Studied Regulatory Components
Konstantinos Biliouris, Katherine Volzing, Poonam Srivastava and Yiannis N. Kaznessis

File available
1:30 PM
(126d) Dynamic Metabolic Engineering for Lactate Production
Nikolaos Anesiadis, William R. Cluett, Stephen S. Fong, Hideki Kobayashi and Radhakrishnan Mahadevan

1:50 PM

2:00 PM
(126e) Elucidation of Isobutanol Tolerance In Escherichia Coli Through Targeted Genome Engineering
Jeremy J. Minty, Jihyang Park, Brian N. Johnson, Ted A. Zaroff III, Mark A. Burns and Xiaoxia Nina Lin

See more of this Group/Topical: Topical A: Systems Biology