Polymer Thin Films and Interfaces III

Tuesday, October 18, 2011: 3:15 PM
L100 B (Minneapolis Convention Center)

Block copolymer thin films provide the opportunity to design materials ideal for nanoscale applications based on their ability to self-assemble into periodic structures. This session focuses on the manipulation of thin film copolymer ordering using surfaces, electric fields, solvent annealing, topographical patterns, mechanical shearing, or other methods. Both experimental and theoretical works are welcome.

Thermodynamics and Transport Properties (01a)

Clifford L. Henderson
Email: cliff.henderson@chbe.gatech.edu

Richard Elliott
Email: elliot1@uakron.edu

3:40 PM
(402b) Shear Induced Alignment of Standing Lamellar Block Copolymer Thin Films
Saswati Pujari, Richard A. Register and Paul M. Chaikin

4:05 PM

4:30 PM

4:55 PM
(402e) Molecular Assembly of Ultrathin Polymer Films: An Application In Tribology
Raju K. Gupta, Sujeet K. Sinha, N. Satyanarayana and M.P. Srinivasan

See more of this Group/Topical: Materials Engineering and Sciences Division