Mixing and Segregation of Particulates I

Tuesday, October 18, 2011: 8:30 AM
M100 D (Minneapolis Convention Center)

Mixing and segregation phenomena occur in most systems of powdered or granular solids and can have a significant influence on their behavior. In addition, the deliberate mixing of solids is an essential operation in the production of industrial powders or granular products constituted from different ingredients. Since product performance depends on blend homogeneity, the consequences of variability can be severe. Despite the enormous importance of solids mixing, our understanding of mixers, and mixing and segregation phenomena leaves much to be desired. For this session, we therefore seek both experimental and theoretical papers on fundamentals, scale up and modeling of mixing, process applications and design, and monitoring and instrumentation. We particularly encourage submissions relevant to industrial practice.

Solids Flow, Handling and Processing

Bruce D. Hook
Email: BDHook@dow.com

Isabel Figueroa
Email: figueroa_isabel_margarita@lilly.com

8:30 AM

8:50 AM

9:30 AM

9:50 AM
(238e) Rate-Based Separation In Collisional Particle Flows
Tathagata Bhattacharya and J. J. McCarthy

10:10 AM
(238f) Quantifying Mixing and Segregation In a Fluidized Bed with a Particle Segregation Number
Norman K. Keller, Wei Bai, Rodney O. Fox and Theodore J. Heindel

10:30 AM
(238g) Mixing of Solid Particles In Coarse Particle Fluidized Beds
Haihong Fan, Yanxin Chen, Hui Li and Jinhe Fan
See more of this Group/Topical: Particle Technology Forum