Handling and Processing of Nanoparticles

Thursday, October 20, 2011: 3:15 PM
M100 H (Minneapolis Convention Center)

Nanoparticles, with its size from 1 to 100 nanometer, have different chemical and physical properties than larger particles of the same material. Traditional bulk powder handling processes, such as storage, feeding and conveying, now face the challenge of handling nanoparticles safely, efficiently and accurately. This session focuses on the investigation and development of solids handling equipment or processes, which tackle these problems when handling nanoparticles

Solids Flow, Handling and Processing (03C)

Richard C. Flagan
Email: flagan@cheme.caltech.edu

3:15 PM
(740a) Pneumatic Conveying and Packaging of Flame-Made Nanopowders
Karsten Wegner, Vera Tschedanoff, Max Eggersdorfer, Christian Amann and Steven Multer

See more of this Group/Topical: Particle Technology Forum