New Developments In Extractive Separations - I

Monday, October 17, 2011: 12:30 PM
202 A (Minneapolis Convention Center)

Solvent extraction continues to be an important unit operation. The increasing need to achieve higher recoveries and selectivities from feeds of lower product concentrations demands improvements in our understanding of extraction fundamentals, along with the consideration of new solvents, new processes, and new contacting and sensing/monitoring equipment. This session brings together persons from industry, academia, and government who practice solvent extraction, and serves as a forum to disseminate new knowledge in the field.


Michael Trippeer

Matthaeus Siebenhofer

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

File available
12:30 PM
(109a) Separation of Ginkgolide Homologues by Liquid-Liquid Extraction Using Ionic Liquid As Extractant
Yifeng Cao, Huabin Xing, Qiwei Yang, Baogen Su, Yiwen Yang and Qilong Ren

1:10 PM
(109c) Control of Microscopic Liquid Flow with Amphiphilic Fabrics
Tracie L. Owens, Johannes Leisen, Haskell W. Beckham and Victor Breedveld

1:50 PM
(109e) Purification of Fluorous Polyoxetane Diols by Liquid-Liquid Extraction
Wei Zhang, Daniel Henke, David Presnall and Kenneth J. Wynne

See more of this Group/Topical: Separations Division