Thermodynamics and Transport In Lipid Bilayers

Friday, October 21, 2011: 8:30 AM
101 E (Minneapolis Convention Center)

Lipid bilayers constitute the main structural component of biological membranes. In recent years, advances in experimental techniques and simulation methods have contributed to the widespread study of these complex self-assembled structures. The properties of these bilayers play a vital role in physiological functions, for example, the interaction between these membranes and sugars or proteins is considered to be crucial for understanding the mechanisms underlying phenomena such as cryoprotection and progression of diseases like the Alzheimer's disease. This session will focus on current efforts, both experimental and computational, for studying the thermodynamics of lipid bilayers and its role in governing the biochemical and biophysical functions of these membrane structures.

Thermodynamics and Transport Properties

Jeffery Klauda

Alberto Striolo

8:30 AM
(775a) Extracting the Line Tension and Dipole Density Difference From the Domain Distributions of Model Cytoplasmic Myelin Lipid Monolayers
Dong woog Lee, Younjin Min, Prajnaparamita Dhar, Arun Ramachandran, Jacob N. Israelachvili and Joesph A. Zasadzinski

9:10 AM

9:40 AM
(775d) On the Development of Coarse-Grained Models for Skin Lipids
Shan Guo, L. Anderson Strickland and Clare McCabe

10:00 AM

10:30 AM
(775f) Inducing the Two-Dimensional Ripple Phase In Surfactant Bilayer Membranes
Ananya Debnath, Foram M. Thakkar, V Kumaran, K. G. Ayappa and Prabal Maiti
See more of this Group/Topical: Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals