Computational Studies of Self-Assembly II

Wednesday, October 19, 2011: 8:30 AM
102 B (Minneapolis Convention Center)

This session seeks papers that explore the thermodynamics, structural and dynamical properties of self-assembled systems. Subjects of interest include, but are not limited to: colloidal forces driving assembly, hierarchical organization, structural transitions, phase behavior, and multi-scale models spanning molecular to mesoscopic length and time scales for assembly. The emphasis is on simulation and computational papers, but theoretical models and complementary experimental papers are also welcome.

Thermodynamics and Transport Properties

Roland Faller

Clare McCabe

8:30 AM
(446a) Energy and Diffusivity Landscapes From a Smoluchowski Analysis of Colloidal Crystallization Dynamics
Daniel J. Beltran-Villegas, Jaime J. Juárez, Tara D. Iracki and Michael A. Bevan

8:48 AM
(446b) Novel Theoretical and Simulation Techniques to Quantify the Hydrophobic Effect
Amish J. Patel, Patrick Varilly, Shekhar Garde and David Chandler

9:06 AM
(446c) Theory of Helix Formation In the Polymer Brush
Mark J. Kastantin and Matthew Tirrell

9:24 AM

9:42 AM

10:36 AM
(446h) The Effect of Molecular Adsorption On the Structural and Electrical Behavior of Elongating Gold Nanowires
William R. French, Christopher R. Iacovella, Brandon G. Cook, Kalman Varga and Peter T. Cummings
See more of this Group/Topical: Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals