Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes: Characterization, Functionalization, and Dispersion

Thursday, October 20, 2011: 12:30 PM
205 D (Minneapolis Convention Center)

This session focuses on applications for graphene, carbon nanotubes, and related materials and includes issues regarding their processing and characterization. The session will feature technology that exploits the novel electronic, electro-mechanical, optical, and structural properties of carbon nanotubes and related materials for the solution of engineering problems. Topics include fuel cells and catalysis, sensors, field effect transistors and other electronic devices, polymer composites, nanotube electrodes, electro-mechanical devices, and energy absorbing materials. The session will also include papers focusing on processing techniques such as purification, separation and chemical functionalization that are necessary to develop nanotube-based technologies. Also included are papers dealing with characterization methods for carbon nanotube materials.

Carbon Nanomaterials
Topical 5: Nanomaterials for Energy Applications (T5)

Jeffrey A. Fagan

Kirk J. Ziegler

Virginia A. Davis

Micah J. Green

12:32 PM
(693a) Graphene Oxide Composites
Christopher W. Macosko

1:12 PM
(693b) Role of Surfactant Molecular Structure On Carbon Nanotube Self Assembly: Insights From Atomistic Simulations
Naga Rajesh Tummala, Manaswee Suttipong, Boonyarach Kitiyanan and Alberto Striolo

1:30 PM
(693c) Spontaneous Dissolution of Ultralong Carbon Nanotubes for Production of Neat CNT Fibers
A. Nicholas G. Parra-Vasquez, Natnael Behabtu, Micah J. Green, Cary L. Pint, Colin C. Young, Judith Schmidt, Ellina Kesselman, Anubha Goyal, Pulickel M. Ajayan, Yachin Cohen, Yeshayahu Talmon, Robert H. Hauge and Matteo Pasquali

1:48 PM
(693d) Polymer-Stabilized Graphene Dispersions At High Concentrations In Organic Solvents for Nanocomposite Production
Ahmed Wajid, Sriya Das, Fahmida Irin, Tanvir Ahmed, John Shelburne and Micah Green

2:24 PM
(693f) Advanced Separation of Empty and Water-Filled Nanotubes
Jeffrey A. Fagan, Vinayak Rastogi, Jeffrey R. Simpson and Angela R Hight Walker

See more of this Group/Topical: Nanoscale Science and Engineering Forum