Integrating Safety Into the Chemical Engineering Curriculum – Where, What, and How (Part 1)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011: 8:30 AM
Marquette I (Hilton Minneapolis)

The AIChE Education and Accreditation Committee proposed new instructional requirements for process safety in the undergraduate chemical engineering curriculum which are expected to become effective starting with accreditation actions during the 2012-2013 academic year. Departments must demonstrate that their graduates have sufficient knowledge to address the hazards associated with chemical and/or biological processes. The purpose of this session is to assist chemical engineering departments in meeting these new requirements through presentations that focus on helping experts and non-experts find new or better ways to integrate safety into their courses and curricula. Abstracts are requested in topic areas such as: how and where to integrate process safety into core courses, what to incorporate in a dedicated course in process safety and hazard recognition, how to include the Safety and Chemical Engineering Education (SAChE) safety certificate program, how to use and where to find educational materials and resources (such as SAChE products) for process safety instruction, how to demonstrate that students have sufficient knowledge and can address hazards, and what to include in the curriculum to prepare students for the broad and diverse industrial needs in process safety. Contributions are accepted from U.S and non-U.S. sources, and academic, industrial and government communities.

Safety & Health Division (11b)

Daniel Crowl

Mark R. Anklam

See more of this Group/Topical: Education