Complex Fluids

Monday, October 17, 2011: 12:30 PM
101 D (Minneapolis Convention Center)

This session of contributed presentations will focus on the hydrodynamics of complex fluids. Topics of interest include the effects of non-Newtonian rheology on flow, flow-induced microstructure, viscoelasticity, and general polymeric, surfactant-laden, and suspension flows.

Fluid Mechanics

Satish Kumar

Sibani Lisa Biswal

12:30 PM
(79a) Shear Induced Phase Separation (SIPS) with Shear Banding In Solutions of Cationic Surfactant and Salt
Prachi Thareja, Ingo Hoffmann, Matthew W. Liberatore, Matthew E. Helgeson, Thomas Hu, Michael Gradzielski and Norman J. Wagner

12:45 PM
(79b) Shear-Induced Structures In Dilute Polymer Solutions
Rangarajan Radhakrishnan and Patrick T. Underhill

1:00 PM
(79c) Suspensions of Elastic Capsules In Polymer Solutions
Michael Graham, Pratik Pranay and Rafael Henriquez

1:15 PM

1:30 PM
(79e) Lyotropic Nematic Droplets of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes In Super Acids: Equilibrium Shape and Dynamics
Natnael Behabtu, Budhadipta Dan, Bohdan Senyuk, Taewoo Lee, Ivan Smalyukh and Matteo Pasquali

2:15 PM

2:30 PM
(79i) Periodic Pattern Formation of Thin Polymer Films Guided by Electrostatic Charges On the Substrate
Dan Zhao, Aaron Martinez, Xiaolei Xi, Xinlei Ma, Ning Wu and Tingbing Cao

See more of this Group/Topical: Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals