Interfacial-Dominated Flows I

Tuesday, October 18, 2011: 3:15 PM
101 D (Minneapolis Convention Center)

This session of contributed talks will focus on flows in which fluid interfaces play an essential role. Some topics of interest include the dynamics of thin liquid films and liquid bridges, motion of drops and bubbles, and the behavior of emulsions and foams.

Fluid Mechanics

Patrick T. Spicer

Gordon Christopher

3:15 PM
(383a) Breakup Dynamics of Bubbles/Droplets In a Microfluidic T-Junction
Duong A. Hoang, Volkert van Steijn, Luis M. Portela, Michiel T. Kreutzer and Chris R. Kleijn

4:00 PM
(383d) Ring-Shaped Sessile Droplet
Svyatoslav Chugunov, Iskander Akhatov and Douglas Schulz

4:15 PM
(383e) To Bounce or Not to Bounce: Impact of Viscoelastic Drops On Dry, Nanotextured Surfaces
Vivek Sharma, Kyoo-Chul Park, Robert E. Cohen and Gareth H. McKinley

4:30 PM
(383f) Capillary-Based Liquid Micro/Nano Deposition
Artur Lutfurakhmanov, Yechun Wang, Douglas Schulz and Iskander Akhatov

4:45 PM

5:30 PM
(383j) Arrested Coalescence of Emulsion Drops
Amar B. Pawar, Marco Caggioni and Patrick T. Spicer
See more of this Group/Topical: Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals