Mixing In Single Phase Systems I

Tuesday, October 18, 2011: 8:30 AM
Symphony I/II (Hilton Minneapolis)

Presentation of new mixing research and technology for single-phase systems of all types.

North American Mixing Forum

Billy R. Allen
Email: allen_billy_r@lilly.com

Arthur W. Etchells III
Email: etchells3@aol.com

8:30 AM
(239a) Effective Single-Impeller Turbulent Blending In Tall Vessels
Eric E. Janz, Kevin J. Myers, Jeremy K. Jones and Julian B. Fasano

9:20 AM
(239c) Effect of Operating Parameters On the Mixing Performance of the Superblend Coaxial Mixer
Louis Fradette, Xiao Wang, Katsuhide Takenaka and Philippe Tanguy

9:45 AM

10:10 AM

10:35 AM
(239f) Mixing of Yield-Stress Fluids Using a Multilamination Mixer
Emilio J. Tozzi, Lori A. Bacca, William A. Hartt, Michael J McCarthy and Kathryyn L McCarthy
See more of this Group/Topical: North American Mixing Forum