Alternative Feedstocks for Energy and Chemicals

Wednesday, October 19, 2011: 8:30 AM
Red Wing Room (Hilton Minneapolis)

The desire to produce chemicals and fuels starting with different feedstocks from what is currently used comes from the need for economical and ecological stability and security. This session encourages papers that describe the development of such processes. There are many such examples, such as the substitution of natural gas for liquid hydrocarbon feedstocks, production of ethanol and biodiesel for transportation fuels, biomass utilization, chemical synthesis using alternative building blocks, etc. The emphasis being on overall process development, scale-up, process design, and using technology with appropriate management to advance from an idea to industrial practice.

Process Research and Innovation
International Congress on Energy: Innovations of Green Process Engineering for Sustainable Energy and Environment (T4D)

Ling Tao

Bruce D. Hook

Lew P. Christopher

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

8:35 AM
(428a) Bioprocessing of Switchgrass to Ethanol Utilizing Thermostable Cellulases
Lew P. Christopher, Vasudeo Zambare, Archana Zambare and Kasiviswanath Muthukumarappan

8:55 AM

9:35 AM
(428d) The Cultivation of Algae and Its Conversion to Biodiesel
Spencer T. Glantz, Jasmin Imran Alsous, Daniel Choi, Warren D. Seider and Stuart W. Churchill

File available
9:55 AM
(428e) New Catalytic Technology for Converting Heavy Oils Derived From Alberta Oil Sands Into Petrochemical Feedstock
Duke Du Plessis, Katherine Wilson, Michel Berghmans, Chris Foy and Vasily Simanzhenkov

File available
10:15 AM
(428f) Fusel Oil Separation Process
Natalia R. Montoya, Fernando P. Cordoba, Carlos A. Trujillo, Iván D. Gil and Gerardo Rodriguez

See more of this Group/Topical: Process Development Division