Modeling Polymer Self-Assembly for Sub-Lithographic Patterning

Wednesday, October 19, 2011: 5:15 PM
Marquette I/II (Hilton Minneapolis)
Jed W. Pitera1, Joy Cheng1, Dan Sanders1, Greg Doerk1, Melia Tijo1 and Su-Mi Hur2, (1)Science & Technology, IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, CA, (2)Chemical Engineering, University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA

The semiconductor industry is rapidly approaching the limits of 193 nm optical immersion lithography with on chip features of 22 nm planned shortly.  The high cost and complexity of extreme ultraviolet lithography is driving a search for alternative patterning technologies to create structures smaller than 14 nm.  One promising alternative is a combination of top-down lithography with the directed self-assembly of block copolymers or blends.  As part of an integrated experimental and computational research effort at IBM, we make use of parallel supercomputers, polymer field theory and Monte Carlo calculations to understand and guide the development of new DSA processes, polymers, and patterning designs.

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