Structure and transport properties of Nanoparticle organic hybrid materials
Polymer nanocomposites have been a topic of interest in recent years for their potential in such applications as water desalination, CO2 capture, photovoltaics and immersion lithiography [1-3]. Unlike colloids which tend to agglomerate irreversibly, polymer grafted colloids are stabilized by polymer-polymer steric interactions. Nanoscale organic hybrid materials (Nohms) are a class of such materials which consist of an inorganic nanoparticle core, functionalized with a corona of organic oligomers. These differ from common nanocomposites in that the tethered corona is the suspending medium for the cores. [1] The hybrid nature of the suspension allows the fabrication of materials with tunable properties by varying parameters such as nanoparticle chemistry, shape and size, as well as the polymer molecular weight, grafting density and chemistry. The range of properties exhibited by these composites vary from solids, stiff waxes, and gels for high core content to single component solvent free fluids for low core content.
Molecular simulations can help elucidate how the properties of Nohms are affected (and can be optimized for specific applications), by changes in molecular design. To this end, we have used Molecular Dynamics (MD) to get a better understanding of the structure and transport properties of these systems.
In this work, the translational and rotational
diffusivity for pure Nohms was simulated via
equilibrium MD. Diffusivities are normalized by the corresponding values from
Stokes-Einstein (translation) and Stokes-Einstein-Debye (rotation) relations
for naked nanoparticles suspended in a melt of free
chains. The simulated systems were chosen to mimic experimental systems using silica
cores and PEO chains (having high grafting density and short chains[2])
and to isolate the contributions of core and corona on Nohms
dynamics by varying the core volume fraction ( We also observe a lower shear thinning slope for Nohms+polymer blends than for pure Nohms.
Structural analyses reveal that preferential alignment of grafted polymers in
the direction of shear is one of the dominant phenomena associated with the
shear thinning behavior. Longer chains tend to align more readily causing a
more pronounced reduction in viscosity, consistent with the observed trends in
viscosity. Free polymers are found to align the least, partly explaining the
weaker shear thinning seen for blends (compared with pure Nohms). Ongoing work aims to provide a more complete
characterization of how f, grafting
density, and polymer length can be tailored to produce Nohms
with a wide range of themophysical properties. References 1.
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et al. (2005). FUnctionalized Nanostructures with Liquid-Like Behavior :
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Rodriguez, R., Herrera, R., Lynden,
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