Role of Material Morphology On Electrophoresis of Bio-Molecules: Effect of Poiseuille Flow

Tuesday, October 18, 2011: 9:24 AM
L100 D (Minneapolis Convention Center)
Jyothirmai J. Simhadri1, Mario Oyanader1, Holly A. Stretz2 and Pedro E. Arce1, (1)Chemical Engineering, Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN, (2)Department of Chemical Engineering, Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN

Electrophoresis in polymer hydrogels with nanometer-scale pore structure are widely used for the separation and purification of biological macromolecules. In gel-electrophoresis, the internal morphology of the gel also plays an important role in improving the separation. Tuning the nanometer-scale pore structure of the gel either by templating or by adding nanoparticles to improve separations has been the current area of focus. Moreover, analysis of the effects of the nature of the pore cross-section, pore length and diameters on the transport of macromolecules is an important aspect to be studied either analytically or computationally. In this research we propose to computationally analyze different pore models and study the effect of geometry, and Poiseuille flow on the transport of biomolecules in this anisotropic-like media.

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