Simulation of Nano-Confined Fluids and Colloids Using GPUs

Monday, October 17, 2011: 1:02 PM
Duluth (Hilton Minneapolis)
Christopher R. Iacovella, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN and Peter T. Cummings, Center of Nanophase Materials Sciences, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN

The nano-confinement of fluids and/or colloids is a particularly interesting problem with applications ranging from lubrication in computer hard drives to gas adsorption in industrial processes.  Understanding the fundamental properties, dynamics, structures, and phase transitions of nano-confined systems is of great importance to the design and engineering of these varied systems and is an area where simulation has been widely applied [1].  In this work we perform MD simulations of nano-confined fluids using the HOOMD-Blue simulation package, optimized to run on graphical processing units (GPUs) [2].   We find single GPU performance equivalent to 64+ commodity processors, allowing for the rapid exploration of a wide range of parameters and the simulation of a large number of statistical measures for each statepoint.  Here, we report the behavior and GPU performance of a variety of different fluid models, ranging from simple isotropic Lennard-Jones spheres to anisotropic fluids to detailed polymer models.

* Funding and computational support provided by the U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation, Award Number UKC1-9201-LV-09 and the Keeneland GPU cluster as part of the the National Institute for Computational Sciences, project-ID UT-TNEDU014.

[1] Cummings PT, Docherty H, Iacovella CR, Singh JK, Phase transitions in nanoconfined fluids: The evidence from simulation and theory, AICHE Journal, 56 (4), 2010
[2] Anderson JA, Lorenz, CD, Travesset A, General purpose molecular dynamics simulations fully implemented on graphics processing units, Journal of Computational Physics, 227, (2008)

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