Enhanced Resolution for More Accurate Inline Particle Measurements In Crystallization

Wednesday, October 19, 2011: 12:55 PM
202 B (Minneapolis Convention Center)
Anjan P. Pandey, Des O'Grady and Ben Smith, METTLER TOLEDO AutoChem, Columbia, MD

The use of Process Analytical Technology (PAT) tools for real-time crystal size distribution and supersaturation measurements have been established for crystallization optimization and control. Yet up to now, interpreting measurement artifacts has been a challenge. 

Paradigm shifts in signal processing have dramatically improved the resolution and accuracy of in situ particle size (chord length) measurements and advanced optics has dramatically enhanced the count linearity with increasing concentrations.   

Examples will be presented where the Next Generation FBRM® technology is used to

-          Enhance sensitivity to secondary nucleation

-          Improve nucleation and growth kinetics calculations

-          Detect probe fouling and measure crystal distributions in an inherently fouling processing

-          Improve correlations with downstream process efficiency and product quality 

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See more of this Session: PAT for Crystallization Development and Manufacturing
See more of this Group/Topical: Separations Division