Self-assembly of semiconductor nanoparticles (NPs) have been proved a facile method for reproducibly fabricating large-scale nanoelectronics or nanophotonics device arrays. Among others, chiral assembly by engineering metamterials, are demonstrated unprecedented photoelectric and electricmegnetic properties, which cannot produce by naturally materials. Taking advantage of the chirality of molecules in the assembly of inorganic NPs, we can obtain novel and functional chiral nanostuctures. Current work are focusing on understanding the surface structure of nanoparticles and assembly of chiral amino acids (cysteine) stabilized CdTe nanoparticles by adjusting the weak interaction forces, such as electrostatic interactions, hydrogen bonding, dipole-dipole interactions and hydrophobic force, between nanoparticles. Our research will facilitate the advance of semiconductor nanostructure and have great potential application in development of new photoelectric devices.
Figure 1 A), B), C) TEM of CdTe chiral nanostructure assembled by L-cysteine (cys) capped CdTe NPs. D), E), F) TEM of CdTe chiral nanostructure assembled by D-cys capped CdTe NPs. G) CD spectra of (D-, L-) cys capped CdTe NPs. H) CD spectra of CdTe chiral nanostructure assembled by (D-,L-) cys capped CdTe NPs.
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