Propylene Recovery From Oscillating Flow and Membranes

Monday, October 17, 2011: 3:45 PM
205 C (Minneapolis Convention Center)
John E. Whetten, Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID and Aaron M Thomas, Chemical and Material Engineering, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID

Combining separate technologies together to form a hybrid process often results in a process that is more cost-effective than either of its components.  One separation technique that has not been widely considered for use in hybrid systems is oscillating flow, a novel mechanical separation technique that enhances the effective diffusivity of fluids.  Much of previous research on oscillating flow has focused on using it as an alternative to existing separation techniques, rather than using it in tandem with other techniques.  This presentation covers an experimental study that tests the functionality of a hybrid separation method that uses oscillating flow in wavy-walled tubes in series with membranes.  The gas mixtures used in the study were propylene/nitrogen mixtures that are typical of those seen in the degassing stage of polypropylene manufacturing plants.

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