Aspect Ratios and Modeling In Fragmentation and Attrition

Tuesday, October 18, 2011: 5:21 PM
M100 F (Minneapolis Convention Center)
Priscilla Hill, Chemical Engineering, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS

It is often desired to be able to model the evolution in particle size during particle breakage.  Population Balance Models (PBMs) are commonly used to model this evolution in particle size.  However, they can also be used to model changes in particle shape using shape parameters such as aspect ratios [1].  The PBMs use breakage distribution functions that account for the distribution of particle sizes formed when a particle breaks, and they can account for changes in aspect ratio. 

Previous work [2] presented comparisons between experimental data and PBMs using two breakage distribution functions – one for attrition and one for fragmentation.  However, changes in particle shape were not presented.  This paper presents breakage distribution functions for both fragmentation and attrition, where the breakage distribution functions include particle shape as expressed as aspect ratios.  Simulation results are compared with experimental data. 

  1. P. J. Hill, "Statistics of Multiple Particle Breakage Accounting for Particle Shape", AIChE J., 50, 937-952 (2004).
  2. P. J. Hill and S. M. Reeves, “Breakage Distribution Functions in Fragmentation and Attrition”, presented at the AIChE National Meeting in Salt Lake City, November 2010.

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