Kinetics of Oxidation of Dyes In Effluents Using a Porous Electrode Ozonator

Tuesday, October 18, 2011: 5:00 PM
200 F (Minneapolis Convention Center)
Alexander P. Mathews, Department of Civil Engineering, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS and Kishora K. Panda, Civil Engineering, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS

The generation of ozone involves the dissociation of molecular oxygen into atomic oxygen radicals which in turn react with oxygen to form ozone molecules. Depending on the voltage used, the corona discharge process may generate in addition to ozone many short-lived species such as electrons, negative ions such as O- and O2-, and hydroxyl radicals. If an in situ ozone generator and reactor are used, it is possible to utilize the ozone efficiently as it is formed along with the short-lived species. This paper will present results from the study of a novel porous electrode ozonator wherein the contaminated fluid flows through a porous electrode tube around the periphery of which ozone is generated by corona discharge.

Experimental studies were conducted on ozone mass transfer and ozonation kinetics of a high molecular weight organic compound (dye) in the porous electrode ozonator. The data indicate that ozone mass transfer rate is an order of magnitude higher in the porous electrode ozonator than conventional stirred tank ozonator. Ozonation kinetics was analyzed using a model that takes into account simultaneous absorption and reaction in the liquid film and reaction in the bulk fluid. This paper will present experimental data and model simulations for the absorption and reaction of ozone with contaminants in the flowing fluid.


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