Nanoreinforced Cellular Foam Materials for Improved Energy Absorption Capacity

Thursday, October 20, 2011: 4:35 PM
L100 H (Minneapolis Convention Center)
Wei Wang1, Yunfei Qu2, Jung-Wuk Hong2, Rigoberto Burgueño2 and Ilsoon Lee1, (1)Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, (2)Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

Cellular foam materials have been widely used in aerospace and automotive fields for a long time. One of these applications is energy absorption, primarily due to their unique stress-strain response. Because of this feature, cellular foams can be efficient structural enclosures for vehicles and buildings. A longer and higher plateau stress can further enhance the energy absorption capacity of cellular foams. Efforts have been made to provide reinforced cellular foams with improvement energy absorption capacity, but success has been limited. Meanwhile, nano-scale reinforcement strategies exhibit the potentials to provide superior mechanical properties over conventional through molecular level interactions both at interfaces and material continuum. In our study, open cell foams were reinforced at the nano-scale by stiffer metals to enable an enhanced energy absorption capability. Featured electrodeposition systems for direct current and pulsed current were built up and with which the porous 3D cellular structure was successfully coated. Parameters such as relative density, topology of foam (struts thickness, pore size), processing conditions and their effects on the strain-stress responses will be presented.

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