Palladium Nanowires Synthesized Via Templated Solid State Reduction for H2 Detection

Monday, October 17, 2011: 5:15 PM
M100 G (Minneapolis Convention Center)
Hector Mendez-Colberg and Maria Martinez-Inesta, Chemical Engineering Department, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, PR

Pd nanowires have shown enhanced electrochemical detection of H2 than the bulk due to higher surface to volume ratio. Here we show the results for ~5 nm Pd nanowires synthesized using zeolites as templates through a solid-state reduction method developed at our laboratory. After template removal, the Pd complex was characterized using TEM and hydrogen adsorption isotherms. Then it was deposited on a silicon based interdigitated electrode with platinum electrodes. The sensor showed the characteristic increase in resistance of bulk sensors, but with a mean response time of 10.12 seconds and sensitivity of 33% with exposure to 1% v/v H2 that is orders of magnitude better than bulk sensors with recovery of the baseline. The hydrogen adsorption isotherm showed an α to β phase transition characteristic of nanoscale Pd.

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