Monday, October 17, 2011: 5:25 PM
Marquette II (Hilton Minneapolis)
Fraser Russell has had a substantial influence on the chemical engineering program at Rowan University. This presentation will summarize his contributions through current faculty that completed a PhD under his direction. These faculty members include Zenaida Gephardt, Robert Hesketh and Adjunct faculty member Art Etchells. In addition two faculty members at Rowan have been mentored by through the University of Delaware Fraser & Shirley Russell Teaching Fellow Program: Brian Lefebvre and Mary Staehle. Finally Fraser has presented his educational initiatives at Rowan to students and faculty.
See more of this Session: In Honor of T.W. Fraser Russell: 2010 W.K. Lewis Award Recipient
See more of this Group/Topical: Education
See more of this Group/Topical: Education