Although lithium ion batteries (LIB) are considered to be a promising power storage option for battery electric vehicles (BEVs), little work has been done to improve and optimize the manufacturing of LIBs from a life-cycle perspective. In this study, the environmental impacts of five commercially available LIBs based on different cathode chemistries, including LiCoO2, LiMn2O4, LiCoMnO4, LiNiMnO4 and LiFePO4, are examined to address the differences in material flows in the production phase of LIBs. In addition, solid state and sol-gel synthesis pathways are investigated for each cathode materials to account for the differences between wet chemistry and dry chemistry, with a particular interest in process heat input and organic solvent use. The results indicate that using solid state pathway, LiMn2O4 appears to be the most environment-benign cathode material, followed by LiFePO4. For all of the cathode materials, the environmental burdens of sol-gel pathway outweigh that of the solid state synthesis method, with organic solvent as the largest contributor. In both cases, starting materials containing nickel and cobalt are responsible for a considerable share of the environmental impacts pertinent to the manufacturing of LIBs. A comparison of the environmental impacts of anode active materials and the operational phase impacts of BEVs relative to internal combustion engine vehicles will also be presented in this talk.
See more of this Group/Topical: Environmental Division