Retro-Convection Enhanced Drug Delivery: Computational Analysis and Pharmacodynamic Modeling

Wednesday, October 19, 2011: 1:42 PM
101 H (Minneapolis Convention Center)
Daniel Lepek and Michael Cerro, Department of Chemical Engineering, The Cooper Union, New York, NY

The delivery of drugs into the central nervous system, specifically the brain, is difficult due to the blood-brain barrier preventing large molecules, such as biopharmaceuticals, to pass. In this study, we present a preliminary mathematical analysis of retro-convection enhanced drug delivery (R-CED), a new procedure which aids to circumvent the blood-brain barrier, using COMSOL Multiphysics. R-CED was derived from the well-studied procedure, convection enhanced drug delivery (CED), which also helps to bypass the blood-brain barrier, but shows problems with regards to backflow or reflux, causing un- certainty with regards to the location of some of the infused drug molecules. R-CED does not have this problem, as the direction of fluid flow is opposite that of CED, extracting fluid out of the system instead of infusing drug molecules directly towards a desired area, e.g. a malignant tumor.

A sensitivity analysis of the various parameters associated with R-CED was conducted in order to show how one could manipulate the physiology of a specimen to promote drug delivery. Furthermore, the performance of the drug molecules after R-CED has stopped, or during a post-extraction phase, was analyzed to help obtain a thorough analysis of drug behavior for all values of time. The evaluation of the post-extraction phase was implemented into an area under the curve pharmacodynamic study, in which we derive a cumulative drug distribution for all values of time in the interstitial region for both CED and R-CED procedures.

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See more of this Session: Mathematical Modeling In Transport Processes
See more of this Group/Topical: Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals