On the Design of Biocompatible Zwitterionic Surfaces: Does Chaotrope Have Lower Friction Than Kosmotrope?

Monday, October 17, 2011: 3:55 PM
L100 H (Minneapolis Convention Center)
Yi He, Qing Shao and Shaoyi Jiang, Chemical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA

We examine the frictional properties of zwitterionic surfaces and explore whether chaotropic or kosmotropic charged groups are preferred to achieve low friction. Carboxybetaine self-assembled monolayers (CB-SAMs) and sulfurbetaine (SB)-SAMs are used as model surfaces as they contain the same positively charged group, but different negatively charged ones. The negatively charged groups are kosmotropic carboxylates in the CB-SAM surfaces and chaotropic sulfonate groups in the SB-SAM surfaces, respectively. The results show that the friction of the SB-SAM surfaces is lower than that of the CB-SAM surfaces. This suggests that chaotropic charged groups are better in reducing friction than kosmotropic groups. The lower friction of the SB-SAM surfaces over the CB-SAM can be explained by the higher mobility of water near the SB-SAM surfaces, as shown in the survival autocorrelation function and the dipole autocorrelation function of hydration water molecules.

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See more of this Session: Biomaterials II
See more of this Group/Topical: Materials Engineering and Sciences Division