BioEMB Project - Introducing New Curricular Areas Into Undergraduate Education

Monday, October 17, 2011: 2:18 PM
Marquette II (Hilton Minneapolis)
Claire F. Komives, Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA and Erik J. Fernandez, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA

The BioEMB project was funded as an NSF CCLI Phase I initially beginning in 2007.  Funding rates at that time were about 10% for Phase I CCLI proposals.  A Phase II grant was awarded to begin in 2009.  The project was viewed favorably by reviewers because it addressed a clear need for the undergraduate curriculum, it had clear goals and measurable objectives, and it had a specific assessment plan.  The successful work in the Phase I project enabled a quick and positive response to the first Phase II project submitted.  This presentation will describe the aspects of the project that made it fundable and a brief overview of the project and outcomes will also be presented.

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See more of this Session: Educational Proposal Submissions: Successful Examples
See more of this Group/Topical: Education