Tuesday, October 18, 2011: 8:30 AM
200 D (Minneapolis Convention Center)
Membranes in successful separation applications possess simultaneously reasonable flux and considerable selectivity. Extensive efforts to improve both the flux and selectivity continue. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) hold a special promise to radically enhance the transport rates of solvents such as water through the inner core of CNTs as demonstrated in 2006 by Holt et al. for double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWNTs). This group developed a vertically aligned array of DWNTs on a silicon chip by a combination of chemical vapor deposition, ion milling and reactive ion etching ending up with a membrane containing CNTs open at both ends. The resulting membrane using the inner core of the CNT for transport however had a low CNT-based porosity of only around 0.5%. Such a membrane fabrication procedure is demanding. Other CNT-based membranes reported in recent research require a demanding fabrication procedure as well. Using conventional polymerization methodology we have developed a facile procedure for fabricating highly productive solvent-resistant nanofiltartion membranes conatining CNTs. Results for flat membranes will be presented. These membranes demonstrate an order of magnitude increase in solvent/water flux in methanol-based and water-based systems. Membrane performances demonstrate high rejections of test solutes brilliant blue R (MW 826) and Safranin O(MW 351) from methanol and aqueous solutions. Results of performance variation with a variety of parameters including CNT length, CNT weight fraction and applied pressure difference will be reported. The potential basis for performance enhancement will be discussed.